
Significant experience in dealing with differentiated products and preserved identity.
We operate on an integrated basis to supply, store, market and process high quality products.
Equipped with a vast structure, state-of-the-art technology and several differentials that add quality, Cia. Agropecuária Monte Alegre has a history built on solid and productive partnerships. From the most common to the most complex details,
we seek to implement everything that is most natural, modern and attractive for the good performance of crops and inputs cultivated at CMA.

"From the most common details to the most complex..."

We have resources with a variety of products including corn, soy and sugarcane. We work hard so that all Cia. Agropecuária Monte Alegre are successful together with our partners and offering guidance on the most suitable products. In addition, we provide clients with access to the market's leading financial, risk management, pricing and logistics solutions. Our goal is to provide satisfaction through our supply chain.

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